Grand MaL!

You are alert, laughing, joking,
not knowing that an attack is coming,
as electrical impulses begin to misfire,

in your brain, a feeling comes on,
known yet unknown.

The impulses become more erratic,
you're quickly engulfed into darkness;

A black hole of nothingness grabs you.
Your body contorts in response,
struggling to climb out of the void
where sounds, vision, feelings,
memories are gone.

The body continues to struggle

against the nothingness,

with memories trapped in

the void, as the blackness holds

you within its grasp.

You continue to travel

through the emptiness,
falling, grasping, tense,
unaware of the world around you.

Suddenly, you reach the other side,
back into awareness,
fatigued, confused,
fearful, disoriented,
looking through a thick fog.

Unsure,surrounded by those not quite familiar,
as you slowly, oh so slowly, struggle back to the present,
your senses, less entangled within the nothingness,
back into the light, aware of sounds, smells, pain.

So scary, this grip that seized you without warning,
taking you to an unknown place,
a black hole,
a dimension that can't be seen,
heard or remembered.

Traveling from reality into nothingness,
only to return aware that it has happened again.

How long did it last this time?

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