The GOP Mantra 2009

Just say no to Obama so
We want to see Obama go
He wants to give to the poor and needy
We want to help the rich and greedy

Just say no to every bill,
The poor will feel a bitter pill.
Cut the tax rate of the rich to zero
We'll become their trump party hero

Just say yes to what we write
Make the left seem not so bright
Make sure it hurts those most in need
They are the victims of our dirty deeds

Just say no to Obama so
we can see this President go
No more help for the unemployed
Make Corporations overjoyed.

We pledge to the Corporate heads,
We will cut taxes and their overhead
We'll be sure to destroy the masses
The poor and needy can kiss our asses.

Haiku #1

summer starts to cry
sunshine fades winds blow cooler
autumn trees weep leaves

Leo The Lion

Loving passionately without remorse
Ever evolving throughout the course
Of their lives they contemplate

Tempermental is always their fate
Hearts of Fire they do posess
Emotions rampage with a caress

Loyal to a fault to those they love
Intense Passions they are no dove
Overly protecting of their young
No child of theirs is camel dung!

On The Farm

A cloudless sky, a sunny day,
the perfect time to turn the hay.
As the rake turns round and round,
a rhythmic beat makes a wondrous sound.
The hay is flipped once again,
still there is no sign of rain.

As the tractor chugs along,
the rake and motor sing their song.
With sun shining down right now,
beads of sweat drip from the brow.
Wiped away with an old red rag,
quickly drenched like the old gray nag.

Soon the time comes to bail the hay,
and save it for the winter's day.
To feed the livestock on the farm,
as tails swish away flies that swarm.
The hay now bailed, placed in stacks,
ready for winter's ground attacks.

The tractor now is put away,
waiting for another day
When again it will be used to yield,
corn and wheat from every field.
I could write this poem very long,&
but the message now is very strong.

A day on the farm still the same,
time to quit and give this a name.
On the Farm the title will be,
a nice quick read for you and me.

One Summer Night

Image courtesy of Vintage E at:

Beside the sea one summer night,
a flock of birds have taken flight.
Frightened by a nocturnal creature,
creates for you a beautiful picture.

The distant moon, the starry sky,
the moving sea, the firefly.
This night all of nature's beauty shines,
across the ocean's perfect design.

Seeing this painted across the sky,
a beauty we can no longer deny.
Making all of our life's troubles seem,
more trivial and less extreme.

Sitting there you reminisce
about one true love's very first kiss.
Once again, you know that it's all right,
beside the sea one summer night.

© 7/25/2010 M S Wyatt.  All Rights Reserved.

Momma's lost

Momma's lost her sense of smell,
it makes her dangerous as hell.
I have to watch her with an eagle's eye
so she doesn't eat some rotten pie.

Daily now I check the food and drinks
To make sure it doesn't stink.
So that the meals she eats,
don't end up being nasty treats.

The loss of smell has it's perks,
no longer woke up with a jerk.
By the skunk out on the lawn,
who scents the plants at dawn.

Haiku #3

Breeze rustling trees,
Birds and cicadas singing
Beautiful music


Living is hell in Limboland,
in doubt exactly where you stand.
What test is next, what will they find,
that has lain dormant in your mind.

Today is just another day,
wondering what will they say.
Will today finally be?
When truth reveals the mystery?

Or will this day again become,
another one that leaves you numb?
Where once again no truth's revealed?
So your body can begin to heal?

Still day by day, you carry on
and trying so hard to be strong.
Each night you pray, cry out to Him,
Lord when will a new trial begin?

Then one morning, drawn to the Book
in the pages you start to look
For something hidden deep within
to give you hope to not give in.

In one stray line is what you seek
a ray of hope, a little peak
It glimmers with a hope that grows
the darkness lifts, the beauty shows.

Soon the words begins to fill you,
giving you strength to continue.
On to the next exam you go,
with hope this time you'll really know.

And on and on you go each day,
nothing, no one gets in your way.
For now you know there soon will be,
the answer that can set you free.

Now it's just a matter of time,
before He answers what's on your mind.
So you'll wait; a bit impatiently,
for Him to show you and set you free.

But for...

A lonely old woman walks,
Slowly from her domicile,
Eyes flashing as a train passes,
Closely by the sacred grounds

No longer an ostrich with her
Head in the sand, she rises up
Proudly past an orgy of madness
Into the chamber as a chorus
Of indolence assails her senses.

She says, "Give me back my freedom"
Raising her cane and shaking it angrily,
"and to those who you ignore,
The pleas of the masses, only to
Give rise to indecency and deceit.

Drowning out the cries of the lost,
You who pass by those in rags,
On the streets in disgust. For it is
Said, "there but for the grace of God, go I"

Remember, those down-trodden, for if
You continue to ignore the cries of those in need
You may no longer have the grace of God, upon you.

Then she turned and quietly left,
smiling from the look of amazement and disbelief
upon the faces of the congressmen .

Grand MaL!

You are alert, laughing, joking,
not knowing that an attack is coming,
as electrical impulses begin to misfire,

in your brain, a feeling comes on,
known yet unknown.

The impulses become more erratic,
you're quickly engulfed into darkness;

A black hole of nothingness grabs you.
Your body contorts in response,
struggling to climb out of the void
where sounds, vision, feelings,
memories are gone.

The body continues to struggle

against the nothingness,

with memories trapped in

the void, as the blackness holds

you within its grasp.

You continue to travel

through the emptiness,
falling, grasping, tense,
unaware of the world around you.

Suddenly, you reach the other side,
back into awareness,
fatigued, confused,
fearful, disoriented,
looking through a thick fog.

Unsure,surrounded by those not quite familiar,
as you slowly, oh so slowly, struggle back to the present,
your senses, less entangled within the nothingness,
back into the light, aware of sounds, smells, pain.

So scary, this grip that seized you without warning,
taking you to an unknown place,
a black hole,
a dimension that can't be seen,
heard or remembered.

Traveling from reality into nothingness,
only to return aware that it has happened again.

How long did it last this time?

One Day Not Someday

One day you'll sit and smile
No wondering why or how
Everything will be all right

Dad will still be with you day and night
A warmth you feel upon your face
Your dad has just given you a kiss

Not today I know you'll say
Or even tomorrow will your pain go away
To a place that isn't hurting so, but

Someday soon you're pain will ease
Once you know that you will see
Memories of tender touches
Even kisses, smiles and the such
Do seem distant and hard to see
Always he is near to thee
Your pain will heal this know

One Day, Not Someday
your grief will go.


Oh! That nasty nicotine,
takes your fat and leaves you lean;
but once the weight is all gone..
nothing's left but skin and bones

Then new problems will arrive,
no longer able to survive..
First you'll struggle to draw a breath,
and still pick up that nasty cigarette.

Past your lips you'll draw the smoke;
into your lungs you'll take that toke.
Then that nasty little drug;
will attach itself to things in your blood.

Once that wicked deed is done;
you'll not quit with just that one.
Now you're hooked you've been reeled in.
this is as bad as vodka or gin.

Rehab may be your only route;
to give this habit the final boot.
But with support and determination;
you'll be free of this frustration.

So don't give up keep on trying,
it's better by far than the buying-
another pack to keep you sane--
when it really causes pain.

Land of Dreams v1

Courtesy of  

Magical faeries grasp my hand,
and take me to another land.

Pink sails billow from the wind
as I sail upon a shining sea.

Faeries, elves and starry skies,
musical sounds caress my mind

Chocolate drops of rain fall down,
as the faeries dance around.

The man sits within the moon,
and treats of sweets at my feet

Once again I turn the page
and new visions come my way

Stories from around the world
of faeries, dragons and leprechauns

Soon I fall into the land of dreams
where the faeries take me away

Only You

Once again, we come away,
Never ready for another day.
Life is full of amazing things
You my friend truly bring

Your bounty of love & spirit
Out in the world you freely give it
Until tomorrow comes I say--

Only You
can make my day.

Land of Dreams v2

The land of dreams it calls to me
memories of sugary creams
Pink billowing sails a ship at sea
The land of dreams

Magical faeries grasp my hands
as chocolate drops of rain fall down
taking me to another land

Musical sounds caress my mind
as faeries dance on moonbeams
once again the clock rewinds
The land of dreams


Magical faeries grasp my hand
I float away across the sea
Soon a shore with silvery sand
Pink billowing sails guiding me

Chocolate drops of rain fall down
Magical faeries grasp my hand
Faeries and I now dance around
On the shores of silvery sand

Melodies from a faeries band
Caresses, soothes my weary mind
Magical faeries grasp my hand
Gentle songs I have longed to find

A starry night a silver moon
Brings magic of a concert band
Softly dreams floating like balloons
Magical faeries grasp my hand

She can make your SoulSpeak

She can make your SoulSpeak
From whimsical and sweet,
What she writes isn't meek
To very dark and deep

Some can make you giggle
She can make your SoulSpeak
Some may make you wiggle
What she writes isn't Greek.

What she writes you might seek,
Some are real tear jerkers
She can make your SoulSpeak
Some seem like beserkers

She can make your SoulSpeak
Draw it out and retreat,
What she writes isn't weak.
Caresses soft and sweet

She can make your SoulSpeak...

A special tribute to a special friend from All PoetrySoulSpeak

Never Dear

Never did you hear my cry,
nor did you ever see me try.

No first words, no first steps,
no temper tantrums or missteps.

No knowing whether I was a girl or boy,
or watching me grow, no tears of joy.

I'll never see your smiling face,
as I walk down the aisle with grace.

You'll never hold your grandchild near,
you'll never, ever hold me dear.


A warm spring rain falls softly in the courtyard,
you hear a Latin beat as you quickly move forward
Drenched from head to toe you step into the Tavern
Sidle up to the bar and order something to calm you.

The rhythm from the maracas, tambourine, and guitars
invades your soul, taking you on a fantastic journey.
You watch the senoritas and the senors as they tango,
your foot tapping to the sensuous beat the rhythm of love.

Soon you are swept up into the dance, life is good.
Laughter and love fills you, as the drinks continue to flow.
Soon the rhythm reaches a crescendo and now no longer drenched
you down the last drop of tequila, adjust your hat and return to the world.

My Dragon Spirit

My Dragon Spirit's got control.
Where she'll take me I do not know.
Will her tale have a Celtic flair?
or will she pull it from thin air..

My pen's under a dragon's spell;
what tale is told I cannot tell.
Will she tell us of days long gone?
or teach about the Dragon's Song?

I hear her voice inside my head;
I do not fear, nor do I dread.
Her voice soft and gentle to me;
defies the image man does see.

A Dragon looks fierce, yet can be;
gentle, loving to those she sees.

**Edited for Poet's Rally Week 44 Rock on Poets!

Rambling Thoughts

Just like any other day, then--
I'm somewhere else, unfamiliar white coats
Odd sounds, I'm tired,
where has the day gone? Where am I?
How did I get here?

I feel very, very strange and confused.
Gradually my senses start to return and I realize
I'm not at home, but where am I?
People are rushing around me,
Slowly more of my senses return, did I go to work?
Was I in an accident? Where has the day gone?
How did I get here?

Someone is speaking to me,
but I can't make sense of the words.
I can't say words, what's happened?
What are all these wires? What's that rhythmic beep?
This isn't my bed! Where am I? Why do I feel so tired?
How did I get here?

Slowly oh so slowly, the fog is lifting.
I'm in a hospital, the man in a white coat
He's talking but still I can't understand.
I feel so weak, so tired I just want to sleep
Heaviness of body and mind surround me.
How did I get here?

I begin to understand the words,
from the man in the white coat.
How many fingers do you see, what's your name, he says
But the images are blurry, his voice seems far away.
My head is swimming, I can't find the answers
How did I get here?

I try to talk but my words seem slow coming,
why do I feel so dizzy? Why do I feel so tired?
I don't remember the day. How long have I been here?
My body hurts why? My arms and legs feel so heavy,
I can't stay awake.
How did I get here?

I've lost a day, where did it go?
I only remember starting to rise in the morning.
Was it this morning? How long has it been?
When can I go home? What did you say?
My eyes feel heavy, I can't keep them open.
How did I get here?

Frozen In Time

I cannot speak, I cannot move,
I can only watch and listen.
While others 'round me frantically,
fear that the worst has happened.

Please! I scream within my mind,
I'm still here don't panic so.
Though I might appear absent here,
just look into my eyes you'll see.

I'm locked between then and now,
as time moves on around me.
While I can see and I can hear,
all that's going on.

I can't respond so all can see,
I'm trapped in another realm.
Soon I know I'll again be free,
to move about and speak.

But for now, I have to wait
until this trap has passed.
Frozen here for now I am,
unable to react.

While everything around me moves,
I lay here unresponsive,
Frozen as if in fear, but soon
I'm back as if nothing ever happened.

Frozen In Time a scary thing,
For all who have been through it.
Life around you moves along, and
you're trapped for just a moment.

Forgotten Mother's Day

A forgotten mother am I
I just want to sit and cry,
My son it seems has went away
And refuses to remember Mother's Day

Wonder if he's still aware
That I even exist out there
I bet if I won the lottery
He'd be around for all to see.

But since I can't buy him things
I'm nothing more than broken strings
A puppet he can no longer control
No longer a part of the whole

Tossed aside like yesterday's trash
Because I can no longer give him cash
 I'm not worth his time you see,
I guess I just remain dead to thee.

But still it hurts to know
My son doesn't care to show
Even on Mother's Day
I'll sit alone and waste away.


As I had closed my eyes last night,
a flash of blue just caught my sight
Soon this had turned to shades of black
as shades of purple drew me back.

Then a rainbow came into view
a phantasm from reds to blues
Then a curtain began to fall
but an orb of light centered all

Soon the light a hue of blue
softened what then came into view
A flash of golden on my right,
a smiling face came into sight.

As I entered a dreamlike state,
colors blend to reveal my fate

Love Is A Fleeting Thing

Oh, love is just a fleeting thing
Some see it as a passing fling,
While others grasp and hold on tight
With grip so hard it makes men fight

Now once the love I had for you
would make me glad but now I'm blue
for your love it no longer shines
like sun and stars 'til end of time

To heaven's gate you've gone today,
it's here on earth where I must stay
All alone and lost I shall be
'til Gabriel's horn calls to me

Again I'll see your shining face
with hearts as one we shall embrace
Our love on earth no longer true
For love in heaven now we two

Shriek No More My Friend

Shackled you are escorted down the damp dark passage
Hooded body guards all around, amidst sounds of revelry
Relics of your past assail you as you are herded out
Into the open stripped of your pride, draped in rags
Excitement builds in the crowd as you are released and the
King issues his decree upon you and all of the wrongs done.

Now another gate opens releasing the monster to devour
Only faith will save you now, can you rely on it

Men throughout the ages fight from within their soul
Only those strong in their faith will come away unscathed
Reality creeps in as you struggle to grasp for hope
Every soul who stood here before you reaches out

Madness creeping into your mind as the monster roars
You struggle to fight against it with just your will.

Finally you 
Realize that 
It's time to
End this
Nightmare or is it truly just a

After the Storm

The black wrought iron gate grinds against it's rusty hinges
as you try to quietly enter the archaic garden of greenery,
and once colorful petals of the ancient mansion,
alerting those seeking shelter within,
causing a cachophy of noise, as they skitter about.

A stab of pain pierces your heart as
you observe the desolation after the storm,
the promenade is riddled with debris from the breath of Zeus,
an uneasiness surrounds you as you gasp, breaking the silence
with your voice, talking is useless, no one will hear you, you're alone

A vision of what once was floats into your memories,
but quickly fades as you look around
stunned at the destruction that has come
to this once beautiful place
No longer a haven of solitude and peacefulness,
now only a broken memory; a shell of what once was.

Tearfully, you begin to pick up the battered remnants
of your past. Wallowing in sorrow, lost-
with only fleeting moments of happiness,
quickly replaced by grief and sorrow.

The storm has passed but the remnants
of it's fury remain and seems to laugh
at the pain and destruction it has left.


Within the mists on the Isle of Albion, stands a young man at rising dawn
Curious about his plight he follows a path through the end of night,
Then at a shore he begins to ponder, as he peers out in guileless wonder.
For rising from the moonlit lake, a lady flows towards him through the wake.

"Child", she says "what is your need?" "I’m here to aid you with all speed"
"My Lady, I arrive in shame, for I do not even know my name."
"Your name is Merlin," this I know, the quest that's drawn you has far to go
What my Lady is my quest,I feel as if I am possessed

Fear not my child soon you will see, your place on earth revealed to thee
The magic felt within this glade, has begun to quickly fade,
A great wizard one day you’ll be, because it is your destiny
Now, seek the dragon deep within, a cavern chained by kith and kin

Travel now on this path I’ve laid, to serve the prince and learn your trade,
For the prince one day will be, the king of all and in need of thee,
There you’ll find the dragon of which I spoke, chained around his mighty throat,
The magic that you hold within, must be hid from all till then

One day my child your name will be revered throughout eternity
My Lady I still can’t see what is it that my quest's to be
This I know Merlin the Mage, you will grow to a ripe old age,
All the rest will be revealed to thee, in time my child you will see,

Now go my son upon this trail, seek the prince so we may prevail
To bring our magic back again, to aid all our kith and kin
Science it seems to be the law of land instead of we,
In this quest you must not fail, or I and others will surely pale,

My lady the young lad cried, what is it has magic died?
Magic my son soon will be nothing but a memory
This prince that I must defend, will he also be my friend?
Yes she says he will be, King Arthur of Camelot friend to thee

But for...

A lonely old woman walks,
Slowly from her domicile,
Eyes flashing as a train passes,
Closely by the sacred grounds

No longer an ostrich with her
Head in the sand, she rises up
Proudly past an orgy of madness
Into the chamber as a chorus
Of indolence assails her senses.

She says, "Give me back my freedom"
Raising her cane and shaking it angrily,
"and to those who you ignore,
The pleas of the masses, only to
Give rise to indecency and deceit.

Drowning out the cries of the lost,
You who pass by those in rags,
On the streets in disgust. For it is
Said, "there but for the grace of God, go I"

Remember, those down-trodden, for if
You continue to ignore the cries of those in need
You may no longer have the grace of God, upon you.

Then she turned and quietly left,
smiling from the look of amazement and disbelief
upon the faces of the congressmen .


The Scent of Lilacs is in the air,
Bringing hopes of spring everywhere.
Soon we'll see the butterflies,
for now the blooms just begin to rise.

Slowly as the days march by,
the lilacs wither with a sigh.
As summer comes and days grow long,
Mother Earth sings her song.

It's into autumn now we go,
as vivid colors around us flow.
The trees prepare for winter’s prize,
the leaves floating to earth
like butterflies

For now the trees will prepare,
to receive winter’s roar,
without a care.
The air turns cold,
then snowflakes fall,
as the frost
from Jack surrounds us all.

Then, as winter fades away,
with the warmth of spring.
day by day, Mother's song
begins again,
while softly falls
the springtime rain.

As sunshine spreads and rain subsides
The arc of color no longer hides
The rainbow now no longer there,
The Scent of lilacs in the air.


I remember when I was just a child,
as I watched in awe the changing clouds,
from puffs of white to blobs of dark,
as they smothered the sun.

Then eyes open wide
when lightening streaks
pierced the sky then
from somewhere deep within
that rolling mass a crack, a rumble
came real fast.

As I was this coming vision,
the rain came down in sheets
like ribbon.

As mother tried to pull me away,
I fought her oh so violently.
I loved this change within the air,
the dangers awaiting there.

Soon the clouds they changed again,
as the mass started to spin,
around and down to the ground

Lifting trees, and debris
I continued to watch
almost gleefully.

Then I saw the look of fear,
as momma said let's get out of here.
So I went to someplace safe,
so that look would leave my momma's face.

Still today an aging wreck,
a storm in summer,
I love to watch, still
my mother shakes her head
in awe, wondering what it is
I saw.

Lilacs In Bloom

When lilacs first in my backyard bloom,
their scent and color remove all gloom,
The sunny skies, the soft warm rain,
allows them to live again.
But as the days begin to change,
their scent and color fades and then
The petals they begin to fall,
welcoming summer in for all,

The early rise of lilacs reign,
resigns to summer’s mighty campaign,
to nurture the earth for growth of plants,
from corn to wheat with just a glance.
The grains that have been grown,
as fall arrives will soon be sown,
To become the source for many juices, oils, and bread,
for those on earth who shall be fed.

As the season begins to change,
the land the workers will rearrange,
In preparation for winter’s roar,
as many birds begin to soar,
The lilac bush it’s leaves now gone,
prepared to receive winter’s dawn,
Quietly it lies in wait,
for the snowy days to abate

Then again as the cycle turns,
the sun will then begin to burn,
Away the snow from all the land,
to warm the earth where lilacs stand,
The cycle now begins again,
with sunny skies and soft warm rain
When lilacs first in my backyard bloom,
their scent and color remove all gloom.

My Life Change

Three years ago, before my life
Became a thing of frustration and strife
While on the playground trying to be
a youngster instead of acting my age of fifty-three

When all of a sudden I felt a snap,
and down I went with a big, big whap!
The pain that shot from knee to hip,
started me upon this trip.

That's taken me from an active adult
to just a mere shell of myself.
The doctors they still don't have a clue,
what is wrong, so I'm still blue.

With all the symptoms and signs to see,
they'll still haven't found an answer for me.
It's hard to believe just 3 years past,
I didn't need a help lifting a glass.

This is what's changed my life,
from working mom to disabled wife.
I hope the answers soon will come
and they won't leave me feeling numb.

Post Ictal

Alarm rings. I rub my eyes,
stretch, start to rise, feet moving.


Noise, dizzy, head pounding.
Bright lights.
Where am I?

Focus, not home.
white coats, wires all around

Sleep need sleep, can't concentrate.
Head hurts.

Heaviness surrounds me.
Arms, eyes, legs heavy. So heavy.
Sleep, need sleep.


How many fingers? What's your name?
I can't answer.

What time is it? Where am I?
what brought me here.

No memory since--
since alarm I went to stand
but how did I get here from there?

Love and Memories

The old quill pen is dipped in ink of blue,
while the old woman sips upon her brew,
as a tape plays softly in the air,
an older song called "Running Bear"

Ooo-gash-a-gow-ooo the rhythm goes,
as the old woman taps her toes.
In tune it seems to the drummer's beat,
she usually can't even move her feet.

Lost in time upon her porch
her sister writes letters of retort,
To her loved one long since dead,
though she still sees him in her head.

Here I sit upon my knees
watching this with reverency
As I prepare tonight's treat,
strawberries their favorite sweet.

I bow my head so they can't see
the tears that are flowing so free.
For I know soon will be their fate
gone from earth to heaven's gate.

I sit here watching quietly
as two old women whom I love,
bask in the sunlight while I kneel
down upon my knees
thanking our Lord
for giving me
these two ladies
to love every day.

As a tape of Sonny James
plays softly in the air
an older song
called "Running Bear"


A warm spring rain falls softly in the courtyard,
you hear a Latin beat as you quickly move forward
Drenched from head to toe you step into the Tavern
Sidle up to the bar and order something to calm you.

The rhythm from the maracas, tambourine, and guitars
invades your soul, taking you on a fantastic journey.
You watch the senoritas and the senors as they tango,
your foot tapping to the sensuous beat the rhythm of love.

Soon you are swept up into the dance, life is good.
Laughter and love fills you, as the drinks continue to flow.
Soon the rhythm reaches a crescendo and now no longer drenched
you down the last drop of tequila, adjust your hat and return to the world. 


Summer storms a vison of wonder
the darking skies, the rolling thunder
the rising wind, the falling rain
the lightening flash like cymbals crash
this is what I enjoy the wildness of a thunderstorm


Dragons of myth and mystery,
Are you just gone, so we can't see?
Or are you in another realm?
Slaves, with new masters at the helm?

No more splendor from devotees.
Dragons of myth and mystery.
Have you heard the banshee's wail?
Have you followed another trail?

Are you waiting for man to fail?
Hidden in the mists of the dale.
Dragons of myth and mystery.
Mankind fears, what they cannot see.

So painted with an evil smile,
and tattered wings, that span a mile.
You lay in wait so silently..
Dragons of myth and mystery..


As I had closed my eyes last night,
a flash of blue just caught my sight
Soon this had turned to shades of black
as shades of purple drew me back.

Then a rainbow came into view
a phantasm from reds to blues
Then a curtain began to fall
but an orb of light centered all

Soon the light a hue of blue
softened what then came into view
A flash of golden  on my right,
a smiling face came  into sight.

As I entered a dreamlike state,
colors blend to reveal my fate

Mysts Of Avalon

Within the mists of Avalon;
came visions of two hearts as one.
To her the vision has revealed;
a steed, a man with sword and shield .

And pressing hand to heart she said,
"This is the one whom I will wed."
To him her eyes of azure deep,
so lovely he began to weep.

From tourmaline to lavender,
he gazed into those eyes of hers.
Until these changing pools of light,
told him she was to be his wife.

The Great Dragon of sacred tales,
appeared before them to regale.
With the Celtic Goddess by his side,
to tell them how they will preside .

As Goddess tears and Dragon's fire,
seal their bonds that can't expire.
Warrior Princess and her Knight
answered the call to re-unite.

As Lord and Lady, face to face,
they offer each their first embrace.
With hands entwined like vines they seal,
their bond of love that's now revealed.

As mists of magic fade away,
the Dragon smiles upon this day.
For these two hearts now beat as one,
the quest is over, Evil's gone.

An end to pain and wicked spells,
but that's another tale to tell .

The Beauty Within..v2

Maybe they wear glasses, or they've got crooked teeth
They may be fat and ugly, clumsy with two left feet.
Because you can't get past this to see what lies underneath

You're unable to really see the beauty in their souls. 
They've qualities deep inside, much nicer than any of yours.
Your beauty's only skin deep, theirs goes through and through.

Sallly she's artistic can draw the most beautiful scenes.
But she's got a lisp and seems to slur her speech.
So you jeer and taunt her, and flaunt your looks supreme.

Bobby he's overweight, but the stories he can write.
Can paint for you a wonderland of mystery and delight.
But you just ignore his words, and call him awful names.

Your beauty's only skin deep, and you are oh so vain.
Selfish and self-centered, greed and lust your friend
One day you'll no longer be that beauty king or queen.

While you grow old and ugly, their beauty will still shine
They've shared their hearts with everyone, inspiring the mind.
While you've only cared about yourself, selfish and unkind.

My Last Dime

Down to my last dime,
the kids all want to have a good time

But the bills are all paid,
so I just can't complain

We're not out in the street,
we've got plenty of heat.

Just wish we had a bit extra to eat.

Maybe next month we'll have a bit more
the kids are all hungry as they walk out the door.

Off to school they go as I wish I had more,
than a few saltines to give them to devour.

When will it end?

The Beauty Within..v1

Maybe I wear glasses, or I have crooked teeth

I may be short and ugly, clumsy with two left feet
Because you can't get past this to see what lies underneath

You're unable to see the real me, the beauty within my soul
But I have qualities inside that are more beautiful than yours.
Your beauty's only skin deep, while mine goes through and through

While you grow old and ugly, my beauty will always shine
Greed and lust has guided you, while I've been generous and kind

So all your words to hurt me and demean my character
Will soon come back to haunt you when you're old and vain
And your hair is thinning, no longer a beauty queen

Red Granite Stone

Only a red granite stone marks where I lay
No words of love or wonder on it say
Who I was or if I had been loved
Soon lost to all but God's precious dove

Amongst the headstones of those long gone
I lay there quietly under that red granite stone
Soon any who knew of my birth
Will also lie quietly beneath the earth

Then only this red granite stone
will be here to say that I was born
No time to live, my life taken away
I died upon my first birthday

This red granite stone will always be
the only home ever known to me
An angel of God I will always be
Guardian of my family

© November 18, 2010.   M Suzanne Wyatt, All rights reserved 


The graceful Heron a waterfowl, as quiet as the Great White Owl.
Settles down amongst the reeds, of the swamplands so they can feed
With one leg poised for instant lift, their wingspan is their greatest gift.

As they gaze through the mire, there is just one thing to which they aspire
With elongated beaks of such proportions they find and grab tasty portions
To nurture their fledgling nest,  and protect them from certain death

But soon it seems their fate will be, complete extinction you must agree
For man's quest for fossil fuels, and an absence of moral scruples
Have poisoned oceans, seas and shores, with dispersant, oil and more

Without regards to repercussions in their quest for more production
Man sees fit to cause destruction,  to all life without remorse or discussion
In his quest to possess he has caused our world much distress

Natures gifts to human kind, seem destined to become  entwined
Within man's mighty grasp, Nature's voice now just a gasp
Soon her death we will perceive, but way too late to intercede

When the animals of the land, sea and air,  are no longer here or there
Or will man change his ways today, before this problem comes to stay.
If he doesn't then soon we'll see other life on earth will cease to be.

When this comes a new age begins, one without the touch of man.

© October 5, 2010.  M Suzanne Wyatt, All rights reserved 

Sea Song

Image Prompt Poetry

The trumpet of the conch shell
sounds across the sea
Calling to the creatures there
then floats gently to the surface
For humankind to see
 like teardrops for eternity

© November 17, 2010.   M Suzanne Wyatt, All rights reserved 

My Dream Takes Shape

            it really just last night? I dreamt that I had my son's                 wife
            pleading, begging for her very life? Down on her knees,        at 
           the    point of a gun, apologizing for everything wrong    she  had
           ever  done.     As    the cops
    stormed          in their guns
      drawn, saying ma' am  don't
          do this  please drop
               your gun. What? 
   I proudly said,
  raising the gun
  to my head and
        squirting myself
         right in the face,
        with colored water
         and bits of paint.
       Make this wretch   
  who's lied to me finally 
    answer truthfully?

© June 10, 2010.  M Suzanne Wyatt. All Rights Reserved.

(Note: This is my one and only attempt at shape/concrete poetry)


Bronze Trophy Winner
AP Contest RFI Group
May fourth two thousand seven
a warm spring day I was in heaven
Healthy and alive that day
I took my grandchild out to play.

To the playground we skipped along,
singing our merry song,
Soon I forgot my age you see,
began to act like a child of three.

Then that came to a sudden halt,
as a sharp pain came like an electric jolt
Down I went on my knees and hands,
I now could not even stand.

From this day forth, my transformation came
so quickly it seems, came the cane.
From that to walker, now power chair,
skin and bones, and thinning hair.

Pills and pain now rule my days,
health is gone so far away.
I still remember that day in May,
when I could still go out and play.


 As I closed my eyes last night,
a flash of blue just caught my sight
Soon this had turned to shades of black
as shades of purple drew me back.

Then a rainbow came into view
a phantasm from reds to blues
Again a curtain began to fall
but an orb of light centered all

Soon the light a hue of blue
softened what came into my view
A flash of golden  on my right,
a smiling face came  into sight.

As I entered a dreamlike state,
colors blend to reveal my fate

Oh Great Dragon

Oh, Great Dragon of ancient lore,
Tell me your story I do implore,
Take me away to ancient days,
Show me about archaic ways.

Tell me, tell me, please tell me more,
Oh, Great Dragon of ancient lore,
Of magic, spells and sorcery
about the cry of the banshee.

Wizards, witches, all hallows eve,
faeries, elves, and now we shall grieve
Oh, Great Dragon of ancient lore,
your ancient tales I do adore.

With mighty wings and fiery breath
you blessed the banshee's cry of death
remembered now for evermore
Oh, Great Dragon of ancient lore


Mystical tales from ancient lands
A mighty dragon he regales
nature's elements hands to hands
Mystical tales

Elementals in mystic veils
Faeries circle in forest stands
Bless knights in search of holy grails

Celtic lore tells of holy lands
of dragons, and the banshee wails
How death was served with loving hands
Mystical tales

The Beauty Within..


Maybe they wear glasses, or they've got crooked teeth
They may be fat and ugly, clumsy with two left feet.
Because you can't get past this to see what lies underneath

You're unable to really see the beauty in their souls.
They've qualities deep inside, much nicer than any of yours.
Your beauty's only skin deep, theirs goes through and through.

Sally she's artistic can draw the most beautiful scenes.
But she's got a lisp and she seems to slur her speech.
So you jeer and taunt her, and flaunt your looks supreme.

Your beauty's only skin deep, and you are oh so vain.
Selfish and self-centered, greed and lust your friend
One day you'll no longer be that beauty king or queen.

Bobby he's a bit overweight, but the stories he can write.
Can paint for you a wonderland of mystery and delight.
But you just ignore his words, and call him awful names.

While you grow old and ugly, their beauty will still shine
They've shared their hearts with everyone, inspiring the mind.
While you've only cared about yourself, selfish and unkind.

© M Suzanne Wyatt, All rights reserved