
Oh! That nasty nicotine,
takes your fat and leaves you lean;
but once the weight is all gone..
nothing's left but skin and bones

Then new problems will arrive,
no longer able to survive..
First you'll struggle to draw a breath,
and still pick up that nasty cigarette.

Past your lips you'll draw the smoke;
into your lungs you'll take that toke.
Then that nasty little drug;
will attach itself to things in your blood.

Once that wicked deed is done;
you'll not quit with just that one.
Now you're hooked you've been reeled in.
this is as bad as vodka or gin.

Rehab may be your only route;
to give this habit the final boot.
But with support and determination;
you'll be free of this frustration.

So don't give up keep on trying,
it's better by far than the buying-
another pack to keep you sane--
when it really causes pain.


  1. love your blog.
    elegant write.
    keep writing.

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  2. Nicotine definitely fits the bill of cruel tyrant. I have never smoked but I have personally seen 5 people die directly or indirectly from smoking. Even if you kick the habit the residual damage can catch up to you later
